Google forms。 Create and mark quizzes with Google Forms

⚐By default, it'll save each answer in the Responses tab, showing summary graphs and lists of answers. Google Forms is now a full-featured forms tool that comes free with your Google account. Build Add-ons with Google Apps Script Need to receive files in a Google Form? lets you check in or out items with a form, essentially by rearranging data from one category to another in a spreadsheet. Quick Tip: Accidentally remove a form element or add one too many? Most Google Forms add-ons run in a pop-over on the lower right side of your forms editor, and they may also include an options pane that opens in the center of your editor. This infographic is just what you need. You can switch question types at any time, though do note that your field settings and questions will reset if you switch from multiple choice, checkbox, or menu to any of the other question types. In the response options, you can let users submit another response, edit their responses, or see a summary of all responses. Grow Your Email Newsletter List Use your form to expand your marketing efforts and stay in touch with your fans. When you need to gather data for your spreadsheets, a form is your best friend. It can watch for a number of responses, a date and time, or a set value in your results spreadsheet, and then will disable your form once that's hit. Google Form interface in Thai with English questions There's one more thing to note: language. With connections to thousands of apps, Zapier can save your form data to other apps, send you customized notifications, and put forms at the center of your workflows. Frequently missed questions• Date: Want to ask for a specific date or time, perhaps to schedule an event or log an activity? Get a new entry, and it'll show up in the spreadsheet as soon as your recipient clicks Submit. One of the simplest ways to use Microsoft Forms is through a web browser. Go to the Microsoft Forms website• Do you prefer Microsoft Forms or Google Forms? Select Add Question• You can to print, hang beside your desk, or share with your colleagues to help you collaborate in Google Sheets more easily. ExcelOnline• But Google makes it a little easier because the information is stored in the cloud. And you can manage most of your form needs using this simple feature. Dropdown: Want all of the answer options in a menu? Each field includes a copy button to duplicate the field, for a simple way to add similar questions to your form. But you do need a paid subscription to access the MS Suite programs in Microsoft 365. Click Save• Import data or export results using Excel• The same sharing features you'd expect in Google Docs and Sheets are included with Forms. Just click Print in your Forms menu, and Google Forms will make a ballot-style copy of your form that you can print or save as PDF. Forms will then automatically select a background color that matches your photo. Sharing the form via email includes an extra option: including the form in the email. Or, you can search Google Images for photos, including royalty free stock photo and images from LIFE that are licensed to use inside Google Drive. Grids and multiple-choice options show pill buttons to fill in, while text fields include blank lines for answers. One of Google Forms' best features is that you can share the core form with others to let them help you build and edit the form. To open an add-on, just select it in the add-ons menu, manage its settings from its add-on pop-over, and it'll then run in the background automatically. Short Answer: This field is perfect for asking for small bits of text: names, email addresses, values, and more. You'll then get a new puzzle piece icon in Google Forms, with a menu that lists each of your add-ons. That's great for quick form results, but for more tools to analyze answers, you can link your form to a Google Sheets spreadsheet. Click the photo icon to select a photo or Google Doodle-style drawing from Google's library as your form's header photo. Select the three horizontal dots for More and Shuffle to randomly shuffle options The form automatically saves as you create it. It's not the most powerful or customizable form builder. Find the question that you want to mark. Click a form field to edit it and add a question. A Tour of Google Forms Google Forms started life as a Google Sheets feature in , two years after Sheets' original launch. For cases like these, click the Get pre-filled link option in the Forms menu, then fill in the options you want on the form. Fill in your question and answers. Forms add-ons let you add extra features to your forms, get customized notifications, turn your form entires into documents, and more. Go to , then either choose a template or start a blank form. Here are some of the best Forms add-ons to get started:• Under 'Requires sign in', untick Restrict to [your domain] users. Tip: Want to make your own form template? Zapier can send you customized email notifications with filters that watch for the text you want. Choose the answer or answers that are correct. One great thing about saving Google Forms entries to a Google Sheets spreadsheet: It's fast. Do note that the date format will be shown in the default format for your location. Under the answer, click Add feedback. You can add standard question types, drag-and-drop questions in the order you like, customize the form with simple photo or color themes, and gather responses in Forms or save them to a Google Sheets spreadsheet. Full points: click Mark correct. Length and regular expression are the only data validations available here, so only use it when you want detailed feedback or longer notes in the answer. The embed option includes width and height options to fit the form within your site's design. Or, you can send them straight to the end of the form to submit their answers, if there's nothing else to ask. Create Documents from Form Entries For more customized documents, template tools like WebMerge can take your form data, create PDF documents from templates, and save or send them wherever you want. Name the Form• Switch from the Questions tab to the Responses tab in your form editor to see current responses to your form and link it to a spreadsheet. Click it, then select the correct answer for the question. You can also choose to share the form either only inside your organization or publicly with anyone who has the link. There's only one catch: Your forms have to be connected to a Google Sheets spreadsheet to work with Zapier. Note: If you add your own photo as a header, Google will only saved the cropped version of it to Drive. You could, instead, move the questions out and then delete that section. Optional: To edit question or answer options, click Edit question. To move between individuals, click Previous or Next. Your users will see the date options in your locale's date format, unless they're logged into their Google Account, so be sure to keep that in mind when creating forms. Click Submit at the end, and Google will give you a unique link to share that copy of the form with the answers pre-filled. When you've finished marking, at the bottom, click Save. Spreadsheet Support Both Google Forms and Microsoft Forms offers support for their respective spreadsheet suite. adds your form results to the end of a Google Docs document instead of a spreadsheet. Whether you need a contact form or a checkout page, a survey or a student directory, a form is all you need to easily gather that information. It also includes data validation to require users to select a specific number of options. Microsoft Forms in Office 365 allows you to create a variety of forms for personal, business, and educational purposes. But you may overlook that with their variety of themes. Choose question type• Find out the pros and cons of both Google Forms and Microsoft Forms so that you can choose the right one for your needs. Note: You can assign points and add feedback on all question types. There, you can choose to get emailed just once a day with a summary of all responses or whenever changes are made to a form entry. Graphs marked with correct answers• At the top right, enter how many points the response earned. Next time you need a new form or survey, give Google Forms a try. Can You Use Google Forms in Microsoft Teams? Or, if you want to reuse a section, just click the section's menu and select Duplicate section for another copy of those questions. This feature makes it simple if you need the forms for document verification. Ready to get responses to your form? Use share options like QR code, embed into OneNote• Zapier can add new contacts to your CRM, save a note with info about what they wrote in the form, and even update existing contacts to log every time they fill out one of your forms. If you want to send your form to someone with a different email address ending:• Google Forms can help with that too. adds graphs and functions to forms. Change your form field names, and they're automatically updated in your spreadsheet. Each section includes its own title and description, along with an arrow button at the top to show or hide questions and keep your form editor tidy. Select Share on the form copy• You can use Branching or conditional logic in MS forms, but your choice in form types is limited to six options like Text and Multiple-choice answers. You can include as many rows and columns as you want, though do note that readers will have to scroll right to see more than 6 columns on desktop browsers or just 3 columns on mobile. Click Send emails and release. Need to gather responses offline? Do you need to create a survey or poll? Forms are among the internet's most versatile tools. Either way, here's what you need to do in Google Forms. To make sure you get the answers you need, this field includes number, text, length, and regular expression data validations. What Are Some Alternatives to Google Forms? How Do You Use Microsoft Forms? That's but one of the many things you could do with , the scripting language for building macros and add-ons in Google's apps which we'll dive into in chapter 7 of this book. Building Your First Google Form The simplest way to start building a form is right from the Google Forms app. If you choose the latter, your form will need to require respondents to sign in with their Google account. Click the color palette icon in the top right to tweak your design, if only a little. It can ask for a date and month and, optionally, the year and time as well. Or, you can create text files from form entries for individual copies of each record. Want to get feedback with a form partly filled in? With the questions out of the way, let's pull them together and make a complete form with sections and logic to route users to the correct questions. Just make sure your form entries are being saved to a spreadsheet, then connect it to Zapier, and build the custom workflows you need to get work done directly from forms. Average, median and range of scores Mark individual responses If you collect email addresses, you can assign points and leave feedback on individual responses. It's a great tool for managing inventory or shared items, or it could be used creatively to, say, approve tasks or do other jobs where you need to move items between two categories. Share Your Form You've made a form, and now it's time to share it with the world and get responses to your questions. There's an entire library of add-ons tucked away in the Google Forms menu. You can change your Google Account locale along with your account language at. Use file upload feature for document verification• Note: You can change form questions and answer options at any time, but if you do, it won't change entries that have already been added to your spreadsheet. Go to Microsoft Teams and share the copied link How Do I Convert Google Forms to Microsoft Forms? Another way to make an interactive form is with Google Forms' mode. Additional FAQs What Is Microsoft Forms in Office 365? Follow these steps to get started:• It's easy to use and one of the simplest ways to save data directly to a spreadsheet, and it's the best sidekick to Google Sheets' spreadsheets. Microsoft Forms Both Google Forms and Microsoft Forms offer the same core functions, so it may be hard to choose between the two. Organize a question into multiple pages• Use the dropdown box next to the field to choose the field type, such as multiple choice, checkboxes, short answer, and so on. Make sure to think through where people who shouldn't see those questions are sent, too, perhaps with alternate questions in a separate section. The Forms editor is straightforward. Apps Scripts let you add form options, send notifications, and more with just a few lines of Javascript code. There's also a delete button, options to make the field required, and a menu with extra options on the right side. So those are the primary functions that both Google Forms and Microsoft Forms share. Spreadsheet Support As mentioned above, both Microsoft and Google offer built-in support for their respective spreadsheet programs. With these tips and tricks, it just might be the handy form tool you've always needed. In this chapter, let's take an in-depth look at Google Forms' features, hidden tools, and add-ons to help you make the forms you need in minutes. Or, if you're storing your form data in a Google Sheets spreadsheet, there's a wealth of to do more with your data, which we'll look at in chapter 6. You can also have Google show a progress bar based on the number of completed sections or shuffle the question order. Just add sections with the optional questions, and then either add a section jump to the individual multiple choice, checkbox, or menu questions, or to the section itself. Whether you've added images or videos, your form entry will have the standard title and description, along with options to resize and show the video or image centered, left, or right aligned. Google Forms offers several settings options. Click on the Settings gear icon in the form copy• Or you can send the notifications to Slack, SMS, or any other communications tool you want. pre-populates choices in multiple choice or checkbox questions from a table in a spreadsheet. It was basic, but it got the job done. You could add a form to a spreadsheet, format it in a separate sheet, and see your form responses in another sheet. In , open a quiz. Save Form Entries in a Database or Spreadsheet of Your Choice For a more customizable way to save your form data, Zapier can route your form entries to multiple spreadsheet sheets in any spreadsheet or database app you want. Just click the last button the right toolbar to add a section below the current question. Be creative: Form sections and jumps let you turn your form into a , and they can be a great way to condense detailed surveys down into only the most important questions for each person. This is useful for keeping your form compact when there are many answer options. That's the quickest way to get data into a new or existing spreadsheet: open the spreadsheet where you want the data, start a form, and the form responses will automatically be saved there without any extra clicks. At the top right of the question, choose how many points the question is worth. imports questions from other forms to quickly reuse them without copying the entire form. Type your formula in LaTeX format, or add a function to graph, then insert it as an image into your form. Click on Section to organize question sections For Choice Questions:• Go with Microsoft Forms if you want to:• You can even use multiple sections in a single form or add conditional logic to your Google forms. With the link, you can either copy a full-length link or get a shortened goo. At the bottom left of the question, click Answer key. At the top, click Responses. That gives you an easy way to add questions about data you've already saved to a spreadsheet. You can drag-and-drop questions between sections, but you can't rearrange full sections. Click the gear icon to open the settings, where you can add a confirmation page to your form. They both perform similar primary functions with the exceptions listed above. To save your changes, at the bottom, click Save. By default, new forms come in purple, while template forms often include an image. Simple contact forms only need a few fields, but longer surveys can quickly get overwhelming with dozens of questions on one page. Both Google Forms and Microsoft Forms offer a variety of choices for quiz creation. You can also use the embed feature on web pages. Share to social media using link sharing• Video: Google Forms only supports YouTube videos, which you can add either through search or with a link. If your readers are in Japan, say, and your form questions are in English, the UI text like Required and Submit will be in Japanese while your questions are in English. Create an answer key• That depends on what you want to do. Multiple choice answers are a mainstay, but Google also allows users to craft forms that require text-based and linear scale answers. How to Make a Quiz Using Google Forms: 15 Steps with Pictures div. Google forms include a header color or image, along with lighter accent color as the background. We'll look at those in-depth in chapter 6. So, it really depends on how intricate you plan on making your quizzes. Perhaps a contact clicks a button on your site that says they dislike one product, so you want the survey form to reflect that automatically. All you need to do is add your questions and send the form out, so let's look at the form options and what you can do with each. Just make a form, then click the form's menu and select Make a copy. Also, in addition to the standard option to require responses, the grid lets you require a response per row and can also limit users to only one response per column. That's a perfect way to start a form with logic jumps. Stylized Forms Okay, so Microsoft may not have the best selection of templates in comparison to Google. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2. CaptainForm is a form plugin that features a variety of templates as well as a drag-and-drop editor. They created Google Forms and Microsoft soon followed suit. Enter the text for the question and each choice• There's one spot where you don't have much option: your form's design. eliminates options from multiple-choice, list, or checkbox questions if they've already been selected. Google Forms is great on its own, but odds are it's still missing some features you want. Just click the green Sheets icon in the Responses tab or click Select Response Destination in the menu, then create a new spreadsheet or select an existing one to store the answers. Click on New Form• Unfortunately, if you add them to your form, they appear as a standard still image. Your form fills the center of the screen, with space for a title and description followed by form fields. Disclaimer: Some pages on this site may include an affiliate link. Zapier can then start new projects, add tasks and events, and make sure everything's in place to get your work done. makes template Google Docs documents, PDF files, or unique spreadsheets for each entry, and then share them via email. Then,View the average time to complete the quiz Go with Google Forms if you want to:• Google will show the form's interface in the default language for your recipients' location. Google allows sharing links in the same way that Microsoft does, but it also allows you to add collaborators without dishing out additional bucks. That means that instead of downloading a spreadsheet, you just need to tap one button to open the sheet. An individual response view shows the live form along with the results from each respondent. It's a great way to, say, make a signup form where respondents can each select one day or an order form for limited quantity items. turns your Google Forms fields into JSON data to import into other form apps. Store Form Responses in a Spreadsheet Once you've created the form, you don't need to do anything extra to store respondents' answers in Google Forms. Tick the boxes next to the people who you want to email. Multiple Choice Grid: This is perhaps the most confusing field, as the fields are displayed in a list rather than in the grid as they'll appear to readers. Set start and end dates with specific times for access. At the top, click Responses Individual. :mpeg mp4 ogg webm quicktime x-matroska? Choose Later, after manual review. See a preview of the form using built-in desktop or mobile• For a quick reference guide, at the end of this chapter gives you a quick summary of everything you need to get the most out of Google Forms. Tell us why in the comments section below. Marks will release immediately• Enter your feedback and click Save. They also offer a free plan so you can take it on a test run first. With Google Forms, it only takes a few minutes to make one for free. Your Google Forms Cheat Sheet With so many hidden features, you might want a quick way to reference your favorite Google Forms features. There's no menu option to manage or remove add-ons; instead, just open the Add-ons pane again, find the add-on you want to remove, click the green Manage button, and then select Remove in its menu. Google Forms includes 12 field types: 9 question types, along with text, photo, and video fields. Checkboxes: Similar to multiple choice, this field lets you list answers and have users select as many as they want. Then, reconnect the form to your spreadsheet, and Google Forms will add all the form data back to a new sheet. Let's start out by making a quick contact form so you can see how easy it is to use. Time: Time lets you request a length of time in hours, minutes, and optionally seconds, for a way to log how long an activity took. Multiple Choice: The default field for new questions in a Google Form, multiple choice lets you list options and have users select one. This works the same as the form description field with no formatting but support for links. To add a question, click Add question. Just open the Forms menu and select Add Collaborators, then enter individual collaborators' email addresses. limits how many times your form can be answered. OneNoteOnline Keep in mind, though, that you do need valid 365 login credentials to access the Forms program.。 。


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